If the project specifications or
particular environmental
conditions require the immediate
execution of the covering of the
pipeline (BACK-FILLING), SEA
counts on special equipment
that uses material which had
been previously trenched during
the operations and deposited to
the sides of the trench, in order to
back-cover the pipeline and
ensure its safety.
Using a special machine developed by SEA,
it will be possible to convey into the trench the material previously disintegrated and deposited on the sides, thus covering the product.
This methodology reduces the environmental impact to its minimum, as it takes advantage of reusing
the material which had been excavated on site, without the need to transport nor use other material recovered from different areas.
Using a special machine developed by SEA,
it will be possible to convey into the trench the material previously disintegrated and deposited on the sides, thus covering the product.
This methodology reduces the environmental impact to its minimum, as it takes advantage of reusing
the material which had been excavated on site, without the need to transport nor use other material recovered from different areas.